
This app allows you to show your own TikTok videos that you have recently posted in your channel.



You can configure the app using the following properties:

Property Explanation
TikTok account The TikTok account of which you like to show the videos.
Maximum age of videos The videos on your screen will never be older than what you select here.
Video determines this page’s playback duration Enabling this option will make a playlist advance to the next page when a video ends during playback. This way you don't have to specify an exact playback duration for this page in the playlist editor.
Skip page when this app is empty When enabled, the page this app is on will be skipped during playback when there is no current video that satisfies the selection criteria.

And, finally there are a number of generic app properties that you can configure that you'll find on many other elements as well.


TikTok currently has two main limitations:

  1. You cannot display videos from others.
  2. We cannot determine exactly when a video ends. As a result, with the Video determines this page’s playback duration option, the timing of the page transition may not be quite perfect.